Physician Payment Sunshine Act: CMS National Physician Payment Transparency Program (Open Payments) Town Hall Meeting: What Health Care Providers Need To Know


On Wednesday May 22, 2013, CMS is hosting a town hall teleconference for physicians and teaching hospitals on the National Physician Payment Transparency Program (Open Payments).

The National Physician Payment Transparency Program (Open Payments) requires manufacturers of pharmaceuticals or medical devices to publically report payments made to physicians and teaching hospitals creating greater transparency around the financial relationships that occur among them.

This National Provider Call will give an overview of what CMS considers important to physicians (MD’s, DO’s, Dentists, Dental Surgeons, Optometrists, Podiatrists and Chiropractors) and teaching hospitals about Open Payments, the Physician Payment Sunshine Act reporting.

Date and Time

Wednesday, May 22, 2013 
2:30 PM – 4:00 PM (Americas) Eastern Time (US & Canada)


Live and Archived Conference Call


  •        Overview of the rule
  • Review of key program dates
  • Your role as a physician or teaching hospital
  • Resources available to you

Target Audience
Physicians (MD’s, DO’s, Dentists, Dental Surgeons, Optometrists, Podiatrists and Chiropractors)

Teaching Hospitals

The presentation for this call will be posted at least one day in advance of the call on the FFS National Provider Calls web page. In addition, the link to the slide presentation will be emailed to all registrants on the day of the call.

Moderator Information
Moderator: Aryeh Langer, CMS Moderator

Anita Griner,MBA, PMP Deputy Director, Data Sharing & Partnership Group, CMS Center for Program Integrity

Shantanu Agrawal, MD   Medical Director, Center for Program Integrity at Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Click to Register

Registration will close at 12:00 p.m. ET on the day of the call or when available space has been filled.

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