CMS Hosts Dispute Resolution National Provider Call Today at 2:30 P.M. EST

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Today, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services will host a national provider call for the dispute and review process of Open Payments (the Sunshine Act). The call will take place from 2:30-4:00 pm eastern time.

Register here, and also submit questions before the session begins for CMS to address.

During the session, CMS experts will give a brief introductory presentation about Open Payments and provide an overview of the registration and review and dispute process in the Open Payments system. This overview will be followed by answers to questions submitted prior to the call and an opportunity for participants to interact with our subject matter experts during a live question and answer session.


  • Brief Open Payments overview
  • Recap registration process in CMS’ Enterprise Portal
  • Provide instructions on how to:
    • Register in the Open Payments system; and
    • Review and dispute
  • Answers to submitted questions
  • Live Q&A Session

Physicians and teaching hospitals have been able to register and review their data in the Open Payments system since Monday, July 14. So far, there has been some confusion regarding the process. MedPage Today reports that some doctors with no ties to industry have seen an error message.

Open Payments Dispute photo

While CMS has noted they will display such information in this way, doctors have called the error display “ambiguous,” especially when considering it takes about 20 minutes to register in Open Payments.

We encourage stakeholders to sign up for the CMS call. In order to review or dispute data submitted by industry for the 2013 reporting period, physicians must be registered—and have reviewed any data reported about them—on or before August 27, 2014, the end of the initial 45-day review and dispute period.  And with identity verification as part of the registration process, which can take some time, CMS recommends completing the registration process as soon as possible.

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