ACCME Call for Comment: Listing of Published Comments

ACCME Call for Comment: Organizations Respond

The ACCME recently stated in a letter to NAAMECC: ACCME will make public without attribution some of the information submitted in response to its request for comment, in the form of summaries and extracts, as opposed to verbatim submissions.


However, we cannot commit to posting these summaries and extracts immediately upon receipt of the written comment.

We are going one step further than the ACCME and listing as many comments to the ACCME’s call for comment as possible.  When comments come available we will be posting them on

The Coalition for Healthcare Communication

North American Association of Medical Education and Communication Companies (NAAMECC)

Washington Legal Foundation (WLF)

Editorial in Journal of American College of Cardiology (JACC)

The Alliance for CME

Potomac Center for Medical Education

Bio Technology Industry Organization (BIO)


Amgen (new)

American Academy of Family  Physicians  (AAFP) (NEW)

The Association for Hospital Continuing Medical Education (AHCME)

The Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education (SACME)

Council for Medical Specialty Societies (CMSS)

            June Call for Comment

August Call for Comment

Public Citizen

Thanks to everyone who accessed this site, because of our efforts and those of the Alliance for CME and NAAMECC,  The ACCME has published all the comments:

ACCME Call for Comment: Access to all Responses


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