Healthcare Reform: Kennedy to Drop Judiciary Post

According to the Boston Goble Senator Ted Kennedy is giving up his post as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee to focus his full time efforts to his Chairmanship of the Senate Health Committee.

There he will focus his efforts on the upcoming healthcare reform debate.  

"As chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, I expect to lead a very full agenda in the next Congress, including working with President Obama to guarantee affordable health care, at long last, for every American," Kennedy said in a statement.

"This is the opportunity of a lifetime, and I intend to make the most of it," Kennedy added.

Given his health this was expected but it does mean that the timing of the healthcare reform effort will be brisk.

Boston Globe:  Kennedy to Step Down from Judiciary Panel

Wall Street Journal Blog: Ted Kennedy Drops Judiciary Post to Focus on Healthcare

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