State Policy: Data Mining in Montana

Data Mining is a the practice of collecting prescriber level prescription data information, aggregating and selling that information to pharmaceutical manufactures and others for marketing or research.

The Montana State House Human Services Committee approved House Bill 394 which would ban the practice of data mining for marketing purposes on a 9-7 vote late Monday, sending it to the full House for further action.

The vote was largely along party lines with 8 democrats and one republican voting to send the bill to the full house for a vote.

Rep. Dave McAlpin, D-Missoula, the sponsor of the bill, said Tuesday that he thinks it has a good chance of passing the House this week.

"I expect to pick up more bipartisan support and pass" the bill, he said. "I think Montanans have a high standard for personal privacy that will send this bill right to the Senate."

According to one local source, this bill will not recieve a favorable reception , if it reaches the senate.

A majority in the State Senate still support free enterprise and freedom of commercial speech including data mining. 

Montana House Bill 394


            Bill Status

Sponsor: Rep David McAlpin, D

Billings Gazette: Panel Curbs Spread of Prescription Info

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