ACCME: Fundamentals of Assessment in Medical Education

The Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) is hosting "Fundamentals of Assessment in Medical Education" (FAME), an intensive and interactive workshop designed and presented by experts from the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research, and the National Board of Medical Examiners. The workshop will be held September 17, 2009 at the ACCME offices in Chicago.

The FAME workshop is one of many expanded education and professional development opportunities the ACCME is offering in 2009 to assist accredited continuing medical education (CME) providers in meeting the expectations set by its 2006 Accreditation Criteria. The accreditation data the ACCME collects indicates that some providers may benefit from enhanced strategies for evaluation and assessment of their physician learners. After the program, course materials will be available on ACCME’s Web site for the benefit of those providers unable to attend.

The course will combine lecture, small group discussion and hands-on exercises to give participants practical tools for evaluating the effectiveness of their programs through measurements of physician change.

Workshop highlights include:

·         Overview of methods to assess physician competencies and measure performance outcomes, including peer feedback, patient care data, self-assessment and learning activities

·         Introduction to basic psychometric concepts including reliability, validity and fairness

·         Exploration of how to use various rating tools to evaluate individual healthcare professionals, teams, and systems; discussion of the complexities of rating individual performances

·         Instruction on how to develop, critique, and interpret meaningful survey items. Participants will learn how to design and administer surveys, and avoid potential pitfalls and response biases.

·         Analysis of program evaluation methods; how to employ various data sources to judge the effectiveness of educational interventions over time

FAME Workshop Faculty

John R. Boulet, PhD, associate vice president, research and data resources, FAIMER; assistant vice president, research and evaluation, Education Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates, has 12 years’ experience developing performance-based credentialing assessments in medicine. He has published extensively in the field of medical education, focusing on performance-based assessments. He also conducts health workforce research to assess the impact of physician migration.

Ann King, MA, assessment scientist, measurement consulting services unit, National Board of Medical Examiners, has more than 25 years’ experience in clinical skills assessment. She teaches medical school faculty to develop better assessment tools, conducts research and development on the assessment instruments used in the clinical skills arena, and improves the understanding of clinical decision-making. Previously she was responsible for the test development unit that launched the United States Medical Licensing Exam, Step Two Clinical Skills Exam in 2004.

John J. Norcini, PhD, President and CEO, Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research, is an expert in physician performance assessment, physician migration, and the impact of international medical graduates on the U.S. healthcare system. He has published, lectured, and taught in more than 20 countries on topics related to performance assessment, maintenance of competence, standard-setting and professionalism.

For those of us involved in CME, this conference will offer practical tools for evaluation of our programs.   

For more information and registration details, download a copy of the program brochure.

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