Physician Payment Sunshine: Pfizer Reports $177 million in Payments to Over 200,000 Health Care Professionals – Report Outlines Importance of Interaction to Health Care System

Physician Payment Sunshine:  Pfizer Reports $177 million in Payments to Over 200,000 Health Care Professionals – Report Outlines Importance of Interaction to Health Care System

Pfizer Inc. released a report detailing the company’s financial interactions with health care professionals and researchers in 2010.  The report shows just how important those interactions are for research and accurate use of therapies.  Specifically, the report presents 2010 data on payments — including compensation for clinical research activities, professional consulting, and speaking at expert-led forums –- and the value of other items, such as meals, educational items and reimbursed travel expenses, provided to U.S. health care professionals who are licensed to prescribe medicines.

The report represents data collected from January through December 2010 about interactions with nearly 200,000 health care professionals.  Of approximately $177 million reported, the majority (61%) went to clinical trials and related research and development expenses. 

Dr. Steve Romano, vice president, Medicines Development Group for Pfizer, asserted that the company “depends on the medical and scientific community for a broad range of activities, from conducting clinical trials to providing insight about patient care needs.” 

He noted that through Pfizer’s interactions and collaboration with physicians, Pfizer “receives valuable information that can help them better serve doctors and patients, or share information that health care professionals may use to make better treatment decisions for their patients.” 

Upon releasing the payments, Mary Woolley, president of Research! America asserted that, Research partnerships with Pfizer and other biopharmaceutical companies help to drive innovation and lead to better, safer medicines and improved lives.” Ms. Woolley further noted that, “Pfizer’s financial transparency in their relations with healthcare providers demonstrates the significant commitments they’ve made in supporting clinical research and discovery.”   

Clinical Research  

Approximately $108 million of the total payments disclosed reflects work conducted with nearly 1,000 research organizations and academic medical centers to study how medicines work and to develop new medicines.  Pfizer’s payments to these institutions supported critical clinical trial activities including patient recruitment, coordinating and conducting the trials, and complying with legal and regulatory requirements.  These payments represent a small portion of Pfizer’s total investment in research and development. 

Professional Advising 

Approximately 1,400 experienced health care professionals provided input and advice to Pfizer to ensure the company addresses the real needs of clinicians and patients.  These professionals were compensated an average of approximately $6,200 per person in 2010 in return for their time and expertise.  

Expert-Led Forums 

Approximately 4,600 experienced health care professionals were selected as speakers to educate their peers about health conditions and the safe and appropriate use of Pfizer medicines.  These professionals were compensated an average of approximately $7,400 per person in 2010 for their work.  Speakers and attendees were also often provided meals at these events. 

Dr. Owen Garrick, president-elect of the American Medical Association Foundation, asserted that, “The AMA Foundation supports Pfizer and other pharmaceutical/biotech companies in their commitment to transparency in their financial relationships with doctors.”  Dr. Garrick recognized that, “physicians learn about new discoveries, new innovations and improved products from many different sources and in many different ways.”  

As a result, he pointed out that, “these relationships and financial transactions enable vital research and the development of new and innovative medicines, and provide health care professionals with up-to-date and valuable information to help inform better treatment decisions for their patients.”         

Pfizer’s press release also noted that the company “is now reporting data for health care professionals who received payments, meals or educational items worth $10 or more. For health care professionals who received more than $100 in total value during 2010, all payments or items are reported regardless of value.” 

Pfizer’s “reporting complies with the company’s Corporate Integrity Agreement with the Office of Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and also reflects the minimums and thresholds set forth in the transparency reporting provisions of the Affordable Care Act (Section 6002). 

Ultimately, the broad scope of Pfizer’s current disclosures puts the company ahead of many others in making the types of disclosures that will soon be required of companies subject to this federal law.  Going forward, Pfizer said it will release its disclosures on a quarterly basis, adhering to the new dollar minimums and threshold for reporting.  The next report will be released in June 2011.

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  • Joseph Blocks

    FYI, Medical Data Informatics includes these latest Pfizer payments in its unified database for publicly released physician payment data