ACCME News In Brief

ACCME News In Brief

The Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) discussed a number of issues in this past month’s newsletter


ACCME Implements PARS Improvements  

The ACCME has implemented improvements to the Program and Activity Reporting System (PARS), based on feedback from accredited providers, and reopened PARS for data entry. ACCME noted that it will no longer require providers to quantify the dollar value of in-kind commercial support; instead they will report the nature of in-kind support for activities scheduled for 2011 and beyond. For more information, see this FAQ.


Launched last year, PARS is a Web-based portal designed to streamline and support the collection of program and activity data from ACCME accredited CME providers. 

ACCME noted that it is in the process of contacting providers that have already entered data about commercial support for 2011 activities to facilitate the transition.  Additionally, providers can no longer make changes to 2010 information. If you need to make a correction, please contact us at


Tips and Tools  

The ACCME announced several online videos.  The first, CME Designed to Impact Patient Outcomes, includes Rick Kennison, DPM, President and General Manager of Peer-Point Medical Education Institute, LLC, who explains how Peer-Point plans and implements CME activities designed to improve physician performance and patient outcomes.

A second video, Using Effective Educational Formats, includes Gordon West, PhD, Director of Continuing Education at the Annenberg Center for Health Sciences at Eisenhower, who discusses the various educational formats that his organization utilizes in their CME activities and explains how they select appropriate learning formats.


Finally, ACCME noted its release of The Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education at Work: Accreditation, Recognition, Education, Operations, and Governance, which provides an in-depth, clear explanation of the ACCME accreditation system and services. 

Education and Outreach


ACCME noted that registration is open for the August 2011 CME as a Bridge to Quality Accreditation Workshop, scheduled for August 17 – 19 in Chicago. The next workshop will be held in May 2012. Designed for all levels, from CME novices to veterans, the Accreditation Workshops offer you the opportunity to work closely with ACCME staff, national CME leaders, and colleagues to learn practical strategies for complying with accreditation requirements and positioning CME as a Bridge to Quality within your organization.  The workshop features the following pre-and post-sessions. 

  • Self-Study for Accreditation: ACCME invited providers whose next accreditation decisions are scheduled for July and November 2012, and March 2013 to participate in this preconference session to help them prepare for the reaccreditation process.
  • A Newcomers’ Introduction to CME: For participants with one year or less of CME experience, this session introduces the basics, including CME terminology, how the ACCME accreditation system works, and information about key stakeholders.
  • Next Steps for Organizations Seeking Initial Accreditation: How to demonstrate compliance during the initial accreditation process.
  • Simplifying Documentation Approaches – Achieving More with Less: During this new post-conference session, ACCME staff facilitate a brainstorming session with participants to explore simple, efficient strategies for planning and documenting accredited CME activities in compliance with the ACCME Criteria.

ACCME Convenes Meetings for CME Community in Puerto Rico

 The ACCME convened a series of meetings May 11–13 in Puerto Rico designed specifically for the local CME community. The island-wide initiative brought together ACCME executive staff and organizational leaders, physician volunteers, and CME staff from the Puerto Rico Medical Association (PRMA), medical schools, and accredited providers in Puerto Rico.

 During the meetings, participants shared strategies for implementing the Accreditation Criteria and positioning accredited CME as a strategic asset to health care quality improvement efforts. PRMA is one of 45 state and US territory medical societies that the ACCME recognizes as accreditors of local and regional CME programs.

AHME and ACCME Produce Collaborative Webinar on Regularly Scheduled Series

The Association for Hospital Medical Education (AHME) and the ACCME collaborated on a webinar held June 7 entitled “Regularly Scheduled Series for Learning and Change: Leveraging the ACCME Criteria to Provide Strategic Value to Your Institution.” Steve Singer, PhD, ACCME Director of Education and Outreach, explained how the Accreditation Criteria provide a roadmap for providers’ leadership efforts. A panel of accredited providers offered real-world examples of RSS that support their institutions’ quality and safety initiatives.

ACCME Participates in IOM Meeting

The ACCME was invited to participate in the Institute of Medicine’s Committee on the Learning Healthcare System in America meeting held in May in Irvine, CA. Murray Kopelow, MD, ACCME Chief Executive, discussed the role of continuing education in encouraging clinicians’ ongoing learning and improvement. 

He explained the evolution of the Accreditation Criteria and the repositioning of CME as a strategic asset to US quality improvement and patient safety imperatives. To further facilitate health care improvement, Dr. Kopelow said physicians need a workplace environment that rewards practice-based learning and change, as well as a system of accountability that reflects the importance of health care teams. In addition, he suggested that health care professionals should be encouraged to expand their roles beyond medical experts and act as change-makers, promoting healthy lifestyles for individuals, communities, and populations. 

ACCME Presents at Rome Group, GAME Meetings  

One of the ACCME’s strategic goals is to offer support to the global CME community. Toward that end, Murray Kopelow, MD, ACCME Chief Executive, participated in two international meetings this spring. 

Dr. Kopelow facilitated a session exploring strategic directions at the International Rome Group on Harmonization of CME/CPD Credit meeting held in May. He also provided an update on the ACCME accreditation system. The ACCME is a longtime member of the Rome Group.

At the Global Alliance for Medical Education conference held in Munich earlier this month, Dr. Kopelow served as a panelist during the keynote session titled “The Grand Debate: Accreditation Systems.” Dr. Kopelow, joined by Craig Campbell, MD, Director, Professional Affairs, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, described the model for accrediting organizations, while other panelists explained the model for accrediting individual activities. 


ACCME congratulated Board of Directors member Peter Coggan, MD, President and CEO of Grand Rapids Medical Education Partners, who received the prestigious Weinberg Award from the Alliance of Independent Academic Medical Centers (AIAMC). The Weinberg award is presented annually to an individual who demonstrates leadership in academic medicine, advocates for independent academic medical centers, and offers a vision for the future of academic medicine. The award was presented during the AIAMC annual meeting held in March. Read more.

ACCME also welcomed to Dion Richetti, DC, the ACCME’s new Director, Accreditation and Recognition Services. He joins from the Discovery Institute of Medical Education (DIME), an ACCME-accredited provider, where he most recently served as General Manager. Under his leadership, DIME was successful in achieving Accreditation with Commendation. Prior to joining DIME, Dr. Richetti was Director of the Division of AIDS Education with the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, also an ACCME-accredited provider. Read more. 

ACCME Considers Applicants for Manager, Data and Information Systems  

The ACCME announced that it is looking for a strategic, experienced IT professional to fill the position of ACCME’s Manager, Data and Information Systems. The position involves managing the ACCMEs public Web site and the Program and Activity Reporting System (PARS), as well as contributing to the ACCME’s technology strategic plan.

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