CBI 9th Forum on Educational Grants: Ensure Compliant and Transparent Funding while Improving Outcomes Measurement for Medical Education Programs

CBI 9th Forum on Educational Grants: Ensure Compliant and Transparent Funding while Improving Outcomes Measurement for Medical Education Programs

 On September 12th and 13th, 2011, the Center for Business Intelligence (CBI) will be holding its 9th Forum on Educational Grants: “Ensure Compliant and Transparent Funding while Improving Outcomes Measurement for Medical Education Programs.”

The meeting will take place in Philadelphia, PA.

CBI’s 9th Forum on Educational Grants will discuss the challenges surrounding commercial support for medical education programs.  This event, led by continuing medical education (CME) experts from supporter and provider organizations, provides a forum to discuss how to overcome challenges and maintain compliance in the funding of outcomes-driven educational programs. 

Topics in development include:

  • Examination of transparency measures and compliant reporting of grant funding
  • Grant evaluation processes
  • Considerations for grant reconciliation
  • Development of a clear, concise CME value proposition

For more information or to register, please contact CBI toll free by phone at 1-800-817-8601 or via e-mail at cbireg@cbinet.com.

A number of well known health care professionals from industry and CME will be participating according to the Agenda and Speaker list.

I will be giving a presentation during a panel entitled, “Healthcare Changes Impacting Educational Grants — Identify Opportunities for CME Providers and Supporters under the Affordable Care Act.”

In this session, we will examine how the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is positioned to affect the CME industry. Many federal programs may not receive full funding and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) may also face shrinking budgets.  Attendees will examine opportunities for CME providers and supporters under ACA and learn about key initiatives including:

  • Accountable Care Organizations
  • ACA effects on key constituents including hospitals/group practices and insurance providers
    •  emphasis on quality measures and health IT
  • What will REMS CME mean to accredited providers?
    • discussion on REMS and surrounding guidance
    • how long-acting opioid REMS is a testing ground

Other panel members include Matthew Farber, MA, Director, Provider Economics and Public Policy, Association of Community Cancer Centers, and Peter Pitts, President Center for Medicine in the Public Interest.

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