HHS to Begin HIPAA Audits

HHS to Begin HIPAA Audits

Starting this month, healthcare organizations will be subject to audits by the Office of Civil Rights (OCR), evaluating their compliance with the HIPAA privacy and security rules and breach notification standards.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, in Section 13411 of the HITECH Act, requires the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to provide for periodic audits to ensure covered entities and business associates are complying with the HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules and Breach Notification standards. 

To implement this mandate, OCR is piloting a program to perform up to 150 audits of covered entities to assess privacy and security compliance.   Audits conducted during the pilot phase will begin November 2011 and conclude by December 2012.  Auditors will conduct a site visit, interview key personnel, and record results in reports that will be shared with the organization and the OCR.

The audit program serves as a new part of OCR’s health information privacy and security compliance program.   OCR will use the audit program to assess HIPAA compliance efforts by a range of covered entities.  HHS asserted that, “audits present a new opportunity to examine mechanisms for compliance, identify best practices and discover risks and vulnerabilities that may not have come to light through OCR’s ongoing complaint investigations and compliance reviews.”  OCR will broadly share best practices gleaned through the audit process and guidance targeted to observed compliance challenges via this web site and other outreach portals.

The pilot audit program itself is a three-step process.  The first step entailed developing the audit protocols.  The second step is the initial audits beginning this month.  The results of the initial audits will inform how the rest of the audits will be conducted.  The last step will include conducting the full range of audits using revised protocol materials.  

Every covered entity and business associate is eligible for an audit.  Selections in the initial round will be designed to provide a broad assessment of a complex and diverse health care industry.  OCR is responsible for selection of the entities that will be audited.

OCR will audit as wide a range of types and sizes of covered entities as possible; covered individual and organizational providers of health services, health plans of all sizes and functions, and health care clearinghouses may all be considered for an audit.  OCR expects covered entities to provide the auditors their full cooperation and support and remind them of their cooperation obligations under the HIPAA Enforcement Rule.  Business Associates will be included in future audits.

The privacy and security performance audit process will include generally familiar audit mechanisms.  Entities selected for an audit will be informed by OCR of their selection and asked to provide documentation of their privacy and security compliance efforts. In this pilot phase, every audit will include a site visit and result in an audit report. During site visits, auditors will interview key personnel and observe processes and operations to help determine compliance.

Following the site visit, auditors will develop and share with the entity a draft report; audit reports generally describe how the audit was conducted, what the findings were and what actions the covered entity is taking in response to those findings. Prior to finalizing the report, the covered entity will have the opportunity to discuss concerns and describe corrective actions implemented to address concerns identified.

The final report submitted to OCR will incorporate the steps the entity has taken to resolve any compliance issues identified by the audit, as well as describe any best practices of the entity.

Audits are primarily a compliance improvement activity.  OCR will review the final reports, including the findings and actions taken by the audited entity to address findings.  The aggregated results of the audits will enable OCR to better understand compliance efforts with particular aspects of the HIPAA Rules.  Generally, OCR will use the audit reports to determine what types of technical assistance should be developed, and what types of corrective action are most effective.

Should an audit report indicate a serious compliance issue, OCR may initiate a compliance review to address the problem.  OCR will not post a listing of audited entities or the findings of an individual audit which clearly identifies the audited entity.

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