Scope Summit Features Physician Payment Sunshine Session

Scope Summit Features Physician Payment Sunshine Session

Cambridge Healthcare Institute recently announced its Fourth Annual SCOPE Summit 2013 (Summit for Clinical Ops Executives), being held February 5-7, 2013 in Miami, Florida. 

The program brings together eight conferences under the SCOPE umbrella, which creates an opportunity for idea sharing and cross-pollination amongst clinical operations professionals from different groups.  Despite a shared exhibit floor where the community can share ideas, each conference remains autonomous and goes deeply into its own set of issues with its expert faculty.  Each conference will feature best practice case studies and interactive discussions relevant to clinical operations experts as well as those new to the field. 

SCOPE 2013 coverage includes the following programs: 

Pre-Conference Events  

  • Optimizing the Grant Payments Process
  • Clinical Trial Monitoring and Compliance 
  • Impact of Affordable Care Act and the Sunshine Act (including Thomas Sullivan, author of this blog)
  • Apply SharePoint to ClinOps Challenges
  • Improving Study Start-up
  • Tools to Detect Drug-Induced Adverse Events 

Main Programs – February 5-6, 2013 

February 6-7, 2013

Integrating and Leveraging Clinical Trial Operations Data

Patient Recruitment and Retention in Studies and Registries

Clinical Trial Forecasting, Budgeting, and Project Management

Managing Post-Marketing Studies and Registries


Visit for detailed program information.  Readers of our blog are entitled to a $200 discount on a commercial registration and $100 discount on an academic registration!   

To register go to, enter registration code RPSCOP to receive your discount or call Cambridge Healthtech Institute directly at 781-972-5400 and ask for Registration.  Be sure to mention your priority code: RPSCOP- in order to receive your discount. 

We look forward to seeing you in Miami.

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