Global Database on CME Meetings and Providers

MedMeme LLC, a global leader in providing comprehensive integrated medical and scientific information database platforms to the top pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies recently launched its new MEPmemeTM (MEP) database that offers the latest information on medical education providers, according to a press release from the company.

“This robust product will help pharmaceutical and healthcare professionals such as medical affairs, personnel managers, researchers and pharmaceutical executives to easily filter through the massive amount of data on medical education providers and make the best possible decision on their strategic education plans.”

The database will cover information on medical education providers worldwide such as medical societies and associations (i.e. American Society of Clinical Oncology or American College of Cardiology) more than 40000 medical meetings and events (including more than 21000 organizations sponsoring these events) medical institutions (including research institutions and hospitals offering education programs as well as their branches and departments) and other providers.

MEPmemeTM will allow users to create comprehensive customized reports by filtering medical education provider information based on geographic locations therapeutic areas disease and condition information industry publications medical meetings (including information about the topics at meetings presentations) medical specialties medical organizations and institutions networks foundations and commercial continuing medical education (CME) providers; among other options.

This dynamic database will be updated daily to ensure its accuracy stay abreast of the latest industry news and remove the outdated information.

MEPmemeTM will detail wide-ranging information on the medical education providers including the following:

  • Organization/provider details: name ID designation and type of provider.
  • Contact information: generic contact information as well as details on departments officers staff and Boards of Trustees. The contact details include website URLs email addresses mailing addresses as well as phone and fax numbers.
  • Meetings: Providers offering meetings such as conferences grand rounds and seminars will be listed with the appropriate event or editorial contacts. The data will also include specific event details such as meeting dates and schedules locations and titles of presentations. Additionally the database will outline information on committees as well as the CME credit categories and values.

“Medical education remains in high demand as pharmaceutical and healthcare executives are looking to expand their expertise” said Mahesh Naithani CEO and founder MedMeme. “MEPmemeTM is a natural extension of our database product portfolio. Given that the medical education industry includes a variety of activities ranging from live symposiums to publications and online programs our goal is to provide a tool that can help these busy professionals easily scan and evaluate all the potential options and choose the best possible path.”

Additional insights and perspectives are also available through various combination subscriptions that include other related MedMeme’s databases. For example MEPmemeTM subscription can be complemented by InsightmemeTM the largest continually updated database of medical meeting and publication abstracts (including 10-year archives) searchable based on medical society disease meeting presentation topics and the Pub-Plan/MemeTM database that provides analysis of medical publication content including share-of-voice by topics percentage of topic coverage and a value ranking of publications.

In addition to MEPmemeTM, ReelDx recently announced the launch of a platform containing an ever-expanding collection of videos of real patients from real doctors, that changes the way professionals and students improve their diagnostic abilities. The company also announced the launch of its first library, ReelDx: Pediatrics.

ReelDx is video-based platform that brings a first-person point-of-view to patient diagnosis and care. The peer-reviewed and evidence-based case studies between real patients and doctors provide 24/7 educational opportunities for practicing clinicians and students alike. All cases are eligible for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit

“The use of video has exploded in people’s personal and professional lives. It has become an invaluable tool for learning in nearly every facet of education, except for the education of medical practitioners,” said Dr. David Spiro co-founder and chief medical officer, ReelDx. “We seek to change that. ReelDx enables quick access to a series of cases in response to searches on symptom, sign or diagnosis. This allows any medical professional to get support in the diagnostic or treatment moment, and more effectively learn in the context of their specific practice.”

In partnership with a nationwide network of physicians in practice, as well as academic health centers like Oregon Health & Science University, ReelDx has produced the most robust libraries of medical diagnostic videos available today. The libraries are useful to higher education institutions, hospital and clinical environments, and individual healthcare professionals.

Each case features an easy to digest one-minute video shot by a clinician or medical videographer focusing on the presentation of key signs and symptoms, including the patient’s own description of what is wrong. Many also feature expert commentary and supplemental images to provide additional insight into the case. Every case also features a description of research-based standards of care and links to relevant journal materials. The cases are viewable on any web-enabled device, including tablets and smartphones.

ReelDx cases are accredited for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™,providing engaging and relevant continuing medical education for any medical professional.

The concentrated experience offered by video cases helps professionals hone their diagnostic and patient care abilities. ReelDx offers the best choice for institutions to help their students and staff utilize case studies in classes and on rounds, and to become a contributing part of the largest video medical case study system in the world.

“ReelDx offers a valuable new paradigm in medical education–once only available to a treating physician. The easy-to-use visual format allows for any viewer to witness a focused clinical encounter,” said James Bennett MD, pediatrician, Pediatric Group of Monterey. “ReelDx will significantly improve medical understanding for parents, students and even seasoned practitioners.”

The first library is ReelDx: Pediatrics. Additional libraries are in development with some of the highest quality medical schools and practice facilities in the US.

The company seeks other partnerships with teaching and practice environments interested in bringing powerful video case studies to students and practitioners everywhere.

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