Sign4Compliance Eases the Sunshine Act’s Requirements

Sign4Compliance Eases the Sunshine Act’s Requirements

The Physician Payments Sunshine Act requires companies to track almost every transfer of value made to physicians. Sign4Compliance is an app that collects all this necessary information to comply with the Sunshine Act and stores it in one place.

Sign4Compliance allows companies to create events, add or import registrants from existing meeting management software, use an iPad to sign in attendees at events, and compile reports. The program consists of easy-to-use and well organized applications to help companies from starting an event to submitting a report to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

Sign4Compliance provides one instrument to comply with the Sunshine Act’s myriad requirements. The app can be used alone or with preexisting meeting and event software, which is good news for companies that wish to simplify their current data collection practices.

Furthermore, Sign4Compliance isn’t simply a data storage device. It includes on-site NPI lookup capabilities where the NPI tool automatically fills in registrant information and detects duplicates in the system.

The app allows event attendees to sign an acknowledgement electronically on the iPad app. Signatures are then recorded in the database and can be reviewed as images in the iPad app or downloaded as PDFs from the online dashboard.

 Once a companies capture attendee information, Sign4Compliance allows the users to create and export reports in a variety of formats, which then can be submitted to the companies’ aggregate spend system.

Right now, Sign4Compliance is offering a free account to allow users to get started with the service. We signed up in less than five minutes, including time for the iPad app to download. The free account allows users to use the app for one event at a time with up to 15 registrants. For higher volume users, Sign4Compliance offers additional services, including the ability to track unlimited attendees and archive all events.

If you have any questions or if you’d like to upgrade to a low or high volume account, call 610-292-8088 or email 

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