Turning Up The Heat On Nurse Educator Programs

An in-depth overview of the ongoing legal battle involving manufacturers and their vendors as it relates to nurse educator programs, white-coat marketing, and reimbursement support services. It identifies the numerous parties involved, as well as the California Department of Insurance’s intervention in one case and Fifth Circuit Magistrate Judge’s adopted and uncontested reports and recommendations. The article also provides an overview of the relevant Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General advisory opinions and other guidance on these topics and recommendations for by life science companies using, or planning to use, nurse educators.

By Nicodemo Fiorentino, Esq., Associate Editor & Board Member

To read the complete article click the link to Policy and Medicine Compliance Update February 2019 issue

CaliforniaNEWNurse Educator ProgramsQui tamreimbursementWhite-Coat Marketing
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