CCO MATE ACT DEA Resource Center Includes, Courses, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) and Additional Resources

In December 2022, congress passed the MATE Act which starting June 27, 2023 will require all DEA certificate holders to have completed eight (8) hours of education on the diagnosis, management and treatment of patients with opioid and other substance abuse disorders in order to register for their DEA certificates.

In an effort to assist healthcare professionals in meeting and understanding the new DEA education requirements, Clinical Care Options has created a DEA Resource Center.  The resource center includes resources such as frequently asked questions, access to on demand courses, live webinars and resources.

We have compiled frequently asked questions (FAQ’s) around the MATE ACT, we will be updating this information as we receive additional information.  More can be found at the CCO DEA RESOURCE CENTER.

Who falls into the MATE Act requirement?

All practitioners who are registered with the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), except for practitioners who are solely veterinarians. This includes MDs, DOs, DDSs, DMDs, APRNs, ODs, and others who hold DEA prescriber registrations.

What is the DEA training requirement?

Under the MATE Act, DEA-registered physicians, dentists, and practitioners must have a total of 8 hours of training on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of patients with opioid or other substance use disorders. This training can be obtained by courses such as the CCO DEA compliant courses.

Do I have to take this course?

Yes! To obtain or renew a DEA registration, DEA prescribers (including MDs, DOs, NPs, PAs, dental surgeons, dentists, and others with DEA prescriber registrations) must have a total of 8 hours of training on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of patients with opioid or other substance use disorders. Courses available including the CCO DEA compliant courses provides practical point-of-care access to training in multiple formats and resources to help you meet these DEA requirements.

Exceptions for this requirement include providers who are board certified in addiction medicine; providers who graduated from a United States medical, dental, APRN, or PA school in the 5 years prior to June 27, 2023; or providers who have taken the 8-hour DATA Waiver training.

How much does the course cost?

The cost for the course ranges from $299 to $399, depending on how you take them: in a live online webinar or online at your own pace. The course covers all 8 hours of the requirement.

Can I get all hours through CCO?

Yes! You can claim up to 8 hours of credit by taking the CCO courses to meet the DEA requirements for education on the management of patients with opioid or other substance abuse disorders.

What is the deadline for satisfying this new training requirement?

The deadline for satisfying this new training requirement is the date of a practitioner’s next scheduled DEA registration submission—regardless of whether it is an initial registration or a renewal registration—on or after June 27, 2023, for the next 3 years.

How will practitioners be asked to report satisfying this new training requirement?

Beginning on June 27, 2023, practitioners will be required to check a box on their online DEA registration form—regardless of whether a registrant is completing their initial registration application or renewing their registration—affirming that they have completed the new training requirement.

When do I need to renew my DEA registration?

DEA registrations are for 3 years. If you plan to obtain or renew your DEA license sometime between June 27, 2023, and June 26, 2026, you will need to have 8 hours of training on the treatment and management of patients with opioid or other substance abuse disorders.

Who qualifies for the medical/dental/NP/PA school exemption?

All practitioners who graduated in good standing from a medical (allopathic or osteopathic), dental, PA, or advanced practice nursing school in the United States within 5 years of June 27, 2023, and successfully completed a comprehensive curriculum that included at least 8 hours of training on treating and managing patients with opioid or other substance use disorders, including the appropriate clinical use of all drugs approved by the FDA for the treatment of a substance use disorder, or safe pharmacologic management of dental pain and screening, brief intervention, and referral for appropriate treatment of patients with or at risk of developing opioid and other substance use disorders.

Check with your professional school to provide documentation of completion of this requirement. Documentation of your participation may be required if you are ever inspected or audited.

What if I graduated from a medical/dental/NP/PA school outside of the United States?

The medical school “exemption” applies only to those who graduated from a school within the United States. All foreign medical school graduates are required to take courses to fulfill this requirement.

Can the X waiver training count toward this requirement?

Yes. Past DATA-waived training counts toward a DEA registrant’s 8-hour training requirement.

What if I am board certified in addiction medicine?

All practitioners who are board certified in addiction medicine or addiction psychiatry from the American Board of Medical Specialties, the American Board of Addiction Medicine, or the American Osteopathic Association are deemed to have satisfied this training.

What if I have a DEA registration but don’t write opioid prescriptions? Do I still need to take the course?

All DEA registrants irrespective of whether they actively prescribe opioids must meet this 8-hour training requirement and be prepared to show completion if ever inspected or audited.

Do pathologists or radiologists need to take this course and meet DEA requirements, as they do not prescribe medications, especially narcotics?

It depends. Practitioners must meet the requirements only if they hold a DEA prescribers’ certificate. If you have a DEA certificate, this requirement applies to you, regardless of your prescribing history or intention.

I have done the state-required courses on pain management and opioid prescribing. Does that education count toward my requirements?

Yes. You can count your state-required courses toward this requirement. It is important to consider that the MATE Act focuses on courses on substance abuse disorder, and you must have the hours you claim addressing substance abuse disorder. Also, you will need a copy of the hours certificate available in the event you are subject to a DEA audit or inspection.

Can other courses on opioid or other substance abuse disorders count toward this requirement?

According to the DEA, past training on the treatment and management of patients with opioid or other substance use disorders can count toward a practitioner meeting this requirement. In other words, if you received relevant training (from one of the groups authorized to provide training) prior to the enactment of this new training obligation on December 29, 2022, that training can count toward the 8-hour requirement.

Can I count courses that are required by my state under multiple licensing cycles toward this requirement?

Unclear. Although you can count 1 year of courses toward this requirement, it was not the intention of Congress for DEA registrants to count the same course taken multiple times. Instead, the intent was that prescribers have education on substance abuse disorders and how to diagnose and refer those patients to the appropriate healthcare professional. Remember, you didn’t receive your medical degree by taking the same course over and over again! It is recommended that you complete one 8-hour course vs multiple separate courses.

What if I hold licenses in multiple states? How do the DEA requirements apply?

The requirements are the same regardless of where you hold your license. If you hold licenses in multiple states, you must complete the 8-hour substance abuse education requirement 1 time. It is important that you keep documentation of your course participation.  Note, if you hold multiple licenses you only have to meet the DEA requirement one time.

If I completed 8 hours of courses in the past, is there an expiration date on those courses, and can I use them to meet this requirement?

This is unclear, as the DEA has not made it clear how far back you can count a course. The DEA has said, however, that those who have graduated from a US-based medical school in the past 5 years with a curriculum on substance abuse and pain management would be able to count that education toward this requirement. Therefore, in the interest of safety, we suggest courses from no more than 5 years ago as the limit, but this is subject to change if additional guidance comes out from the DEA.

Do all 8 hours have to be completed at once?

No. You don’t have to complete the course all at once. It can be cumulative across multiple sessions, as long as it totals 8 hours of training on opioid or other substance abuse disorders. The CCO DEA compliant courses includes slides, audio, and text modules that allow you to take the course at your own pace.

Do I have to complete the training in person?

No. Training can occur in various formats, including classroom settings, seminars at professional society meetings, or virtual offerings. The CCO DEA compliant courses can be purchased as a live webinar or as an on-demand version (either text or slides with audio). In-person training is available to organizations that meet our criteria. Please reach out to us for more information.

How do you comply, and what are the penalties?

To comply with the DEA requirements, you must attest to your completion of 8 hours of training on opioid or other substance abuse disorders. You will do this by checking a box during your application or reapplication process. Know that if you submit false attestation to the DEA, you could face stiff penalties, including the following warning from the DEA website: 21 USC 843(d), states that any person who knowingly or intentionally furnishes false or fraudulent information in the application is subject to a term of imprisonment of not more than 4 years, and a fine under Title 18 of not more than $250,000, or both.

Who can provide courses to meet this 8-hour requirement?

The MATE Act allows many types of education providers to offer the course.   We have provided a list included in the legislation.

One simple way to meet this requirement is to take the CCO MATE ACT Course.

Organizations that can provide this education include:

  • The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM)
  • The American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP)
  • American Medical Association (AMA)
  • The American Osteopathic Association (AOA), or any organizations accredited by the AOA to provide continuing medical education.
  • The American Dental Association (ADA)
  • The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS)
  • The American Psychiatric Association (APA)
  • The American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP)
  • The American Academy of Physician Associates (AAPA)
  • The American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC)
  • Any other organization accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (AACCME) or the Commission for Continuing Education Provider Recognition (CCEPR),
    whether directly or through an organization accredited by a State medical society that is recognized by the ACCME or CCEPR
  • Any other organization approved or accredited by the Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use, the ACCME, or the CCEPR

How will the DEA verify my participation in these courses?

According to the DEA, prescribers may be asked to show documentation in the form of a certificate that the education was taken in advance of their DEA registration.

Do I need to keep records of completion?

DEA recommends that license holders keep their documentation confirming course completion for the 8-hour requirement for courses on opioid and other substance abuse disorders. The documentation should be kept readily available in the event of an audit. It would be prudent to keep your records for at least the period of your current DEA registration.

I have participated in substance abuse courses over the span of my practice. Can I count those courses toward this requirement?

It depends. If you have records showing that you completed courses on opioid or other substance abuse disorders and have copies of those certificates, you may be able to claim those for meeting the requirement. If you don’t have documentation or those were many years in the past, it would be helpful for your patients for you to be up to date on substance abuse treatments, as those are continually updated. Chances are you may still need additional credits. The CCO DEA compliant courses allows you the flexibility of taking those hours that you still may need for the DEA 8-hour requirement.

Is this a 1-time requirement?

Per the MATE Act, this is a 1-time requirement for all DEA registrants for the next 3 years, starting June 27, 2023, based on your DEA registration renewal date.

Is there reimbursement for diagnosis and referral of substance abuse disorders?

Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance all have reimbursement codes for Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) for substance abuse disorders. The time spent directly with the patient to review their questionnaire and discuss referral and treatment options can be billed. In the “Overview of Substance Abuse” module of the CCO DEA compliant courses, we cover this information and provide you with codes you can use in your practice.

Can we take the course for the whole office?

You can take the class as a group. However, to receive “credit” for a course taken online, individuals must be registered separately to receive the course completion certificate.

What do I do if I already have taken several hours of my state requirements?

You can count those hours from the state requirement. The CCO DEA course is flexible in that you can claim up to 8 hours of credit, but you are able to claim less. We highly recommend that if you have met the state-required pain or controlled substance courses, you take the portion of our course on substance abuse disorders. Chances are you still may need additional credits. The CCO DEA compliant courses allows you the flexibility of taking those hours that you still may need for the DEA 8-hour requirement.

Will the CCO DEA course count toward specialty board MOC requirements?

The CCO DEA compliant courses have been submitted to 21 specialty boards for MOC credit.

Can I get MIPS Improvement Activity Credit for taking the CCO DEA compliant course?

Yes. Completion of this accredited CME activity meets the expectations of an Accredited Safety or Quality Improvement Program (IA_PSPA_28) for the Merit-based Incentive Payment Program (MIPS).

An example of an activity that could satisfy this is an accredited continuing medical education program related to opioid analgesic Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies (REMS) to address pain control (ie, acute and chronic pain).

Do the CCO DEA compliant courses count toward my state license requirements?

Depending on the state, we went to great lengths to meet most state requirements. Some states have a specific PDMP and other learning requirements not covered in the course. For Tennessee, we have included a state-required module in the coming weeks. For New Mexico our course has been approved by board of medicine.  We are working to provide a list of states where we meet the state requirements.

What is the difference between the MAT Act and the MATE Act

The MAT Act congress eliminated the requirement for eight hours of training on buprenorphine prior to being able to administer this drug for opioid use disorder and pain management.  The MAT Act also ended the restriction on the number of patients on buprenorphine a health care provider can treat.   The MAT ACT is the 8 hour requirement for classes on the screening, management and referral of patients with opioid or other substance abuse disorders.

What is the purpose of this new DEA requirement in the MATE Act?

With the United States facing a major addiction crisis, the congressional members who sponsored the MATE Act see educating healthcare professionals on substance abuse disorder as a possible solution.

Create a 1-time, nonrepetitive requirement for all DEA controlled substance prescribers (Schedule II, III, IV, or V) to complete training on treating and managing patients with opioid and other substance use disorders, unless the prescriber is otherwise qualified.

Allow accredited medical schools and residency programs, PA schools, and schools of advanced practice nursing to fulfill the training requirement through a comprehensive curriculum that meets the standards laid out in statute, without having to coordinate the development of their education with an outside medical society or state licensing body.

Normalize addiction medicine education across certain professional schools and phase out the need for these future practitioners to take a separate, federally mandated addiction course.

Resource Center

The resource center is designed to serve healthcare professionals in meeting this important DEA requirement.

For more information: CCO DEA RESOURCE CENTER

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