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ACCME Adjusts Course and Provide Clarity on Industry Employees Presenting…
The Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) announced adjustments to their questions and answers around…
ACCME Defines Peer Review Process for Industry Scientists
In response the American Heart Association and other organizations on the restrictions of industry employees presenting original…
NY Times on CME: Corporate Role in Educating Physicians
The relationships between doctors and the medical industry have been under constant debate for the past fifteen years. These…
AHA and ACCME Reach Agreement on Industry Scientists Presenting at…
The AHA and ACCME have reached an agreement on industry scientists presenting at their annual meeting. The ban on industry…
ACCME Seeks Input on Industry Scientific Presentation Policy
In response to the ongoing controversy of industry researchers presenting at scientific conferences such as the American Heart…
Continuing Medical Education: The Need for Clarity and Resources
After it was recently announced that the American Heart Association (AHA) will not allow employees of medical manufacturers to…
AHA Ban on Industry Posters and Presenters: Conflict of Interest Run Amuck?
Each year, the American Heart Association (AHA) holds its annual Scientific Sessions comprised of scientists, researchers and…
ACCME Updates and Resources May 2010
Updates and Resources from the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) were released yesterday in their…
Prescription for Conflict: CME Funding from Big Pharma to Big Placebo
It seems like every day we run into people and groups who believe in something that scientific evidence has disproved. Often…
ACCME Update — Reporting System, Call for Comment and Provider…
The Accreditation Council of Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) recently announced that it will be opening up its Program &…