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Accountable Care Organizations
Accountable Care Organizations (ACO’s) Contributing to Clinician…
According to a study in Health Affairs, researchers examined changes in physician practice sizes associated with accountable care…
HHS OIG Reports Policy Changes Affect the Efficiencies of ACO’s
There’s been interesting news lately in the accountable care organization (ACO) world. CMS recently announced that participants in…
CMS Advanced Payment Model Physician Participation Doubling 2017-2018
The number of doctors participating in advanced payment models (APMs) nearly doubled in 2018 to 183,306 compared to 99,076 doctors…
HHS OIG Report: Using Health IT for Care Coordination
Recently, the Office of the Inspector General published a report, “Using Health IT for Care Coordination: Insights From Six…
APM Bonuses Given to Vast Majority of Physicians in First Year
According to a Medicare executive, ninety-nine percent of the 100,000 physicians who applied for the advanced alternative payment…
CMS Proposes Adding More Accountability to ACOs
On August 9, the Centers for Medicare and Medicare Services (CMS) released major changes to Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs).…
Should ACOs Be Revamped?
In an article authored by the American Enterprise Institute’s Resident Fellow and Milton Friedman Chair, James C. Capretta, he…
Accountable Care Organization Performance Results
2016 was the fifth performance year for the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP). 2016 brought $652 million in savings to…
Accountable Care Organizations Under Magnifying Glass
Calling into question whether value-based care will ever truly work, a recent report casts dark news for ACOs. As reported, nearly…
Accountable Care Organizations: Risk and Reward
In January 2015, HHS set the target of funneling 50% of Medicare payments through alternative payment models and tying 90% of…