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Accountable Care Organizations
Better Patient Care Doesn’t Necessarily Equal Patient Savings
In October 2012, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services launched the Comprehensive Primary Care Initiative, in…
Accountable Care Organizations Prove They are Here to Stay
One of the key missions of the Affordable Care Act is to slow the rising cost of health care. The Obama administration…
PQRS Nearly 40% of All U.S. Health Care Providers Penalized for Failure to…
According to CMS, more than 460,000 of the 1.25 million eligible Medicare providers did not meet deadlines to submit data for the…
Results from the First Two Years of the Pioneer Accountable Care…
On May 22, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a study evaluating the financial and quality outcomes for…
Secretary Burwell Announces HHS Quality Payment Goals, Introduces Timeline…
Big changes are on the horizon in how Medicare reimburses healthcare providers. Yesterday, the Secretary of Health and…
ACO Update: An Opportunity for CME?, Challenges Ahead
In recent months, we have written about the expansion of Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) across the country. An…
Physician Payment Sunshine Act: First Reports Likely Out this Afternoon;…
After over four years since the passage of the Affordable Care Act, September 30th marks the date for the release of the…
ACO Update: What Challenges Lie Ahead?
In June, we noted that Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) have proliferated throughout the United States in the past…
Accountable Care Update: Top ACO Providers
Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) have proliferated throughout the United States in the past few years, but they are…
Accountable Care Organizations: Patients Look Elsewhere for Specialty Care
A study recently published in JAMA Internal Medicine found the majority of beneficiaries assigned to an accountable care…