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Clinical Research
JAMA Drops Requirement for Independent Statistical Analysis for Industry…
The Journal of American Medical Association dropped its requirement for independent statistical analyses of industry-funded…
GSK Opens Patient Level Data and Clinical Study Reports Available to…
Late last year, we reported that GlaxoSmithKline promised to make detailed data from its clinical trials available to independent…
GSK and other Pharmaceutical Companies Prepare to Release Global Patient…
“In an unprecedented move that could signal dramatic changes in the drug industry, GlaxoSmithKline is promising to make detailed…
Pharmaceutical Companies Adopt 10 Recommendations for Clinical Trial…
A recent article from amednews noted how “Eight leading pharmaceutical companies have approved 10 recommendations aimed at…
FDA: Committee Recommends Exploring Anti-NGF Biologics for Chronic Pain…
In 2011, an Institute of Medicine report found that chronic pain affects 116 million Americans and costs the U.S. as…
FDA: Guidance for Acceptance of Foreign Clinical Studies Not Conducted…
On April 28, 2008, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) amended its regulations on the acceptance of foreign clinical studies…
Specialty Societies and Patient Advocates Contribution to Comparative…
A recently article in Health Affairs explained how, “Specialty societies and patient advocates have critical roles to play to help…
FDA Draft Guidance – Oversight of Clinical Investigations: A Risk…
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced the publication of a draft guidance titled, “Oversight of Clinical…
Top Clinical Trial Websites
A recent post on the blog, Clinical Researchers, provided a wealth of information for health care providers and stakeholders…
IOM Clinical Practice Guidelines We Can Trust — But What About the…
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) issued two reports last week “that it said will provide an objective and consistent framework for…