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Eighth Annual Compliance Year-in-Review Now Available
The Eighth Annual Compliance Year-in-Review presentation is now available through Potomac River Partners. This…
Life Science Compliance Update, February 2016: Technology and Compliance
The February 2016 issue of Life Science Compliance Update, available here (subscription required), explores the impact…
CBI’s Pharmaceutical Compliance Congress 2016
This year, CBI is hosting the Thirteenth Annual Pharmaceutical Compliance Congress (PCC) January 26 – 27, 2016, at the…
HHS OIG Enforcement Actions on the Horizon Utilizing Open Payments, Advises…
Pharmaceutical and device companies can expect federal agencies to begin pursuing enforcement actions against companies…
Off-label Marketing is “Dead,” Diversion Cases on the Rise
"Off-label marketing is dead so-to-speak. There's been a death knell of that."
That news was delivered by Charlene…
OIG Releases “Practical Guidance for Health Care Governing Boards on…
On April 20, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (OIG) announced the release of a new a…
15th Pharmaceutical Compliance Congress and Best Practices Forum, November…
The Fifteenth Annual Pharmaceutical Regulatory and Compliance Congress and Best Practices Forum,, will take…
Global Healthcare Compliance Outlook: Middle East and Africa Code of…
The Eighth International Pharmaceutical Compliance Congress took place in Dubai, UAE earlier this year. The conference…
CME Coalition Model Privacy Policy for All CME Providers
Continuing medical education (CME) providers must be cognizant of privacy issues regarding their physician clients. The…
India Compliance Best Practice Overview
The Eighth International Pharmaceutical Compliance Congress took place in Dubai, UAE from May 5-7. The conference…