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Senate Finance Committee Releases Results of Investigation Into Gilead’s…
Senate Finance Committee Ranking Minority Member Ron Wyden and Republican member Charles Grassley released the results…
Stage III Meaningful Use CMS Doubles Down as Opposition Mounts
Despite Congressional interest in delaying Stage 3 of the electronic health record Meaningful Use program and the AMA…
House E&C Committee Turns Focus to the Regulation of Diagnostic Tests…
The House Energy & Commerce Committee's Health Subcommittee held a hearing on November 17, 2015, to discuss a…
Drug Pricing Forums and Congressional Actions
As our readers know, from both their own experience and the articles written on our website, drug pricing is a hot issue right…
Senate Finance Committee Hearing on Physician Owned Distributorships (PODs)…
The Senate Finance Committee has been conducting an investigation into Physician Owned Distributorships (PODs), leading…
The Politics of Drug Pricing
The 2016 presidential race is fraught with hot-button issues, with each party and each candidate taking positions on…
Both Houses of Congress Investigating Prescription Drug Prices
There have been numerous media reports referencing dramatic drug price increases after the acquisition or merger of…
Hide No Harm Act of 2015: includes Criminal Penalties for Failure to Report…
Deputy Attorney General Sally Q. Yates recently announced new guidance that the Department of Justice will focus…
More Trouble for Valeant Pharmaceuticals
Earlier this year, Valeant Pharmaceuticals purchased Nitropress and Isuprel, a pair of life-saving heart drugs. The same day…
Hillary Clinton Unveils New Plan for Lowering Drug Cost
Yesterday, Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton proposed a new plan to address pharmaceutical “price…