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American Research and Competitiveness Act of 2010
Medical device and pharmaceutical companies face significant regulatory and legal obstacles in developing new and life-saving…
FDA Budget: Trying to Do Everything on Less Money
Recently, the Senate Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration…
America Invents Act
Recently, the Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously approved the “America Invents Act” (S. 23), a bill that would overhaul the…
This Week Congress and President – a Potential Collision Course for…
President Obama recently submitted his $3.7 trillion 2012 budget proposal, marking the start of the annual budget process. Then,…
Intellectual Property Jurisdiction Clarification Act of 2011
This week, the senate judiciary committee passed a bi-partisan patent reform legislation that if enacted, would encourage…
Shortage of Injection Treatments Looms over ACA
As the Obama Administration and federal agencies begin preparing for implementation of key provisions of the Affordable Care Act…
112th Congress: New Medically Trained Members and New Agenda
Today is a new day on Capitol Hill. Today, we will witness once again the peaceful transfer of power in the US House of…
One Year SGR “Doc Fix” Moves Issue Down the Road One More Year
Last week, shortly after the Senate passed legislation that would temporarily “fix” the susbtainable growth rate (SGR) problem for…
Grassley Leaving Finance Hatch to Take Over
With Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA) set to leave as Ranking Member of the Senate Finance Committee to take over as Ranking Member…
15 Senators Ask FDA for a 501K Process that Supports Innovation
Over the past several months, in anticipation of the upcoming changes to the FDA’s 510(k) approval program, policymakers and the…