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Letters from Grassley: NIH Responds to Baylor Inquiry
Senator Grassley has been investigating researchers of the NIH over alleged conflicts of interest at the Baylor College of…
Health Care Reform: House and Senate Hash Out Differences
After the Senate passed their version of the health care bill, many organizations have come out with key comparisons showing the…
Congressional Hearing – Prescription Drug Price Inflation: Are Prices…
The House Subcommittee on Health (of the House Energy and Commerce Committee) recently held a hearing titled "Prescription Drug…
Letters from Grassley: Questions 33 Medical Groups on Financial Support…
Continuing his “ongoing probe into conflicts of interest” Senator Chuck Grassley this week sent letters to the American Medical…
CBO Report on Promotional Spending for Prescription Drugs
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) came out with a report on Promotional Spending for Prescription Drugs this week. The report…
Letters from Grassley: University Ghost Writing Policies
Continuing to investigate the practice of ghostwriting, Senator Charles E. Grassley recently sent letters to 10 top medical…
Health Care Reform: Senate Doctor Show
The team of John Barrasso, M.D. (R-WY) and Tom Coburn, M.D., (R-OK) have joined together to put on a weekly webcast TV…
Health Care Reform: Congressional Budget Office Score of Affordable Health…
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) completed a preliminary analysis of…
Letters from Grassley: Health Information Technology and Medical Errors
With talk of health care reform overshadowing many of the important details of how to change the health care system, there is…
Letters from Grassley: Grassley to NIH Why No Disclosure on Resolved…
Senator Charles Grassley’s (R-IA) latest letter to the NIH follows an article in The Chronicle of Higher Education that noted…