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Physician Payment Sunshine: MedPac Votes Tomorrow
This Thursday November, 6th at 1:30pm in the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, DC. MedPac will vote on their recommendations…
Letters from Kohl and Grassley: CRF and Columbia — Send us Everything
This has been a tremendous week of clinical trial presentations and discussions around interventional cardiology at the…
Letters from Grassley: Emory Professor Caught with Hands in Cookie Jar
What started as a sleepy story about a physician who had failed to report conflict of interest to Emory University has led…
Senator Grassley: Interview Provides Context
For those of us who have followed Senator’s Grassley’s interest in the pharmaceutical and device industry, there often…
Letters from Grassley: NIH Check this Out
This week Senator Grassley sent some more letters, Grassley asks NIH to account for employment of expert advisor, this time he is…
Ezetimibe Congressional Investigation: SEAS of Discontent
If you are one of the world’s premier biostatisticians and have a Sir before your name you can pretty much tell Congress thanks…
Kohl Hearing: DCT for Device – We are Watching
"Every last dime spent on advertising is passed on to the consumer." Senator Herbert Kohl, Wisconsin, stated at a…
Letters from Grassley: Pawns in a Chess Game
Senator Grassley is putting the pressure on the National Institutes of Health to beef up their enforcement of disclosure rules…
Senator Kohl: IDEA Act – Government Sales Reps Coming Soon
Coming Soon to your local physicians office may be sales reps from the Federal Government.
Senator Kohl, of…
Grassley and Dingell: Wanted a New Sherriff for the FDA
We need a new Sherriff is the call of several key members of congress including (Senator Grassley, Republican from Iowa and…