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US Attorney Discusses Factors in Determining Potency of Prosecution
At the recent CBI Pharmaceutical Compliance Congress, U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey, Paul Fishman, discussed…
Assistant US Attorney General: Corporate Compliance is Good Business
In his remarks at the CBI Pharmaceutical Compliance Congress, Assistant Attorney General, Civil Division, Stuart Delery emphasized…
Truth in Settlements Act: Seeks to Expose Exaggerated Settlement Penalties
Gigantic settlement figures, such as the $2.6 billion fine leveled on J.P. Morgan last week, may not be all they appear. Senators…
Bioscrip Settles with DOJ, Novartis Accused of Paying Kickbacks to…
Novartis Pharmaceuticals has been accused by the U.S. government and 26 states of a kickback scheme related to its iron-reduction…
False Claims Act Cases Could Signal Increased Whistleblower Litigation
A recent slew of Federal Claims Act (FCA) complaints may be the norm as whistleblowers are bringing more and more cases against…
Johnson and Johnson Corporate Integrity Agreement: The Progression of Life…
Compliance managers at pharmaceutical companies and medical device manufacturers can stay ahead of enforcement trends by…
Johnson and Johnson 2013 Settlement and Corporate Integrity Agreement
On November 4, 2013, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced that Johnson & Johnson (J&J) and its pharmaceutical…
FDLI 2013: Insights in Enforcement, Litigation & Compliance for…
The Food and Drug Law Institute (FDLI) recently held its annual Advertising & Promotion Conference, which included in-depth…
False Claims Act: External Auditor Moonlights as Whistle Blower
Over the last several years, we have covered a broad array of settlements, legal cases, and government investigations and…
DOJ Probing International Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Earlier this year, we noted that a new enforcement focus for the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) will be increased oversight to…