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Drug Shortages
FDA Soliciting Input on Global Supply Chain Provisions in FDASIA
In a recent post from the FDA Voice Blog, Office of Compliance Director for FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)…
Drug Shortages Remain in 2013
While Congress and federal health agencies have been constantly busy enacting new healthcare and drug legislation and implementing…
FDA Drug Shortages: Fundamental Problem is the Inability for the Market to…
A recent paper by FDA officials explored why and how manufacturing-quality problems could combine with other economic and…
Drug Shortages: Despite Gains, Many Drugs are Still in Short Supply
A recent article from Bloomberg noted that “as shortages of sterile injectables persist, the makeup of that part of the industry…
Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development: Study on the Structural…
Pharm Exec recently asked the Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development (TCSDD) to summarize new survey research—partly…
FDA Strategic Plan to Address Drug Shortages, Solicitation for Comment
Earlier this month, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released a notice for public comment in the Federal Register regarding…
The European Medicines Agency Mitigating Drug Shortages in Europe
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) recently released a proposal for how it can help mitigate potential and real drug shortages…
The Patient Access to Drugs in Shortage Act
As we have noted several times over the past two years, the ongoing battle to resolve drug shortages has several distinct…
Prescription Drug Shortages: Crisis Abating – Still Need for Pricing…
Some progress on drug shortages has been made over the last few months, due in part to manufacturing improvements. For example,…
Johnson and Johnson Requests Manufacturing Permit to Reduce Shortage of…
Over the past year, we have written several stories about the troubling drug shortages that have been occurring. This summer,…