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Executive Branch
Ezekiel Emanuel – Health Care Reform — Deadly Doctor or Euthanasia…
While President Obama uses his array of staff to help figure out how to ‘fix’ health care, one interesting member—Dr.…
Obama Administration: Regina Benjamin Surgeon General Nominee – Having it…
According The Associated Press and The Washington Times, Dr. Benjamin has been “working part-time as a scientific adviser to the…
Obama Administration: Collins and Benjamin Clearly Understand the Value of…
This morning, a colleague opened up the August Medical Marketing and Media and reminded me about an editorial that I recently…
Obama Administration: Regina Benjamin, MD as Surgeon General
According to CNN, President Obama will be nominating Regina Benjamin, MD as the Surgeon General of the United…
Healthcare Reform: The Obama Way
Since the election several people have asked what are your thoughts on the future. So here goes.
President Obama
Ten Reasons Why Obama Won
After reading countless articles on the election the one that best explains the campaign and how it came together is by Carl…