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False Claims Act
Punting on the Issue of FCA and Statistical Sampling
In a much-anticipated U.S. Court of Appeals decision, the Fourth Circuit on February 14, 2017, in evaluating the issue of whether…
Pharmaceutical and Device Manufacturers: Buyer Seller Beware
Pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers continue to face intense scrutiny from regulatory and enforcement agencies, as…
Genentech Beats FCA Suit, Thanks to Escobar
On Monday, May 1, 2017, the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit stopped a False Claims Act suit that accused…
Going Back to the Roots of the False Claims Act – Baxter Settles cGMP…
While False Claims Act cases are relatively common in the life science industry, FCA cases for cGMP violations are not. This…
DOJ Has Third Highest Annual Recovery in FCA History
The United States Department of Justice has announced the fiscal year 2016 recoveries from civil False Claims Act. This…
Department of Justice Increases FCA Civil Penalties, Again
On February 3, 2017, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced that False Claims Act (FCA) penalties will once again be…
Acclarent Executive Convicted of Misdemeanors and Acquitted of Felonies
The former Chief Executive Officer and Vice President of Sales of Acclarent, Inc., a medical device company and division of…
Cardiovascular Systems Inc. False Claims Act and Anti Kickback Settlement
Cardiovascular Systems, Inc. (CSI) has agreed to pay $8 million and sign a corporate integrity agreement (CIA) to settle a False…
Detecting the “Sham” in Speaker Programs
In late March 2016, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp. (NPC) and the U.S. Department of Justice and the State of New York…
Salix Settlement Approved
On Thursday, June 9, 2016, United States District Court Judge Denise L. Cote approved a settlement stipulation to…