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Healthcare Reform
Post-Election Decompression: Where Do We Go from Here?
After almost fifteen months of campaigning, polls, and 24/7 election coverage of “he-said-she-said,” we finally have our answer:…
CMS: Hospital and Critical Access Hospital (CAH) Changes to Promote…
CMS recently released a proposed rule updating the Conditions of Participation (CoP) for 6,228 hospitals and critical access…
2015 Front Line of Healthcare Report – CME and Conferences are a More…
Bain & Company, Inc. has published their Front Line of Healthcare Report 2015, a report that focuses on the shifting…
Senate Develops Policy Measures to Help Those Battling Chronic Illness
In 2014, the United States Senate Committee on Finance took a step toward improving care for the millions of Americans…
Recent Study on Population Health Sheds Light on Progress
A recent study provides one of the first, if not the first, in-depth, national look at the pace of transition from…
Bloomberg Health Law Reporter Outlook 2016 – Issues Driving the Healthcare…
Now that the year has gotten off to a quick start with all things healthcare-related, we would like to take a moment to…
Sen. Bernie Sanders Announces “Prescription Drug Affordability Act of…
Pushes for Lower Drug Prices Through Variety of Measures Including Drug Pricing Transparency; Allowing Part D Negotiations;…
OIG Issues 2015 Health Reform Oversight Plan
HHS-OIG recently released their 2015 Health Reform Oversight Plan. The agency plans to hone in on the Affordable Care Act during…
NLARx Dissolves–The National Legislative Association on Prescription…
The Board of Directors of the National Legislative Association on Prescription Drug Prices (NLARx) has voted to dissolve. The…
21st Century Cures Initiative Introduces Significant Legislative Proposal
In April 2014, Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) partnered with Rep. Diana DeGette (D-CO) to launch the…