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Healthcare Reform
AHCA Failed…Now What?
Moments before a scheduled vote on the bill, Republican House leaders announced that they were pulling the American Health Care…
Politico Healthcare Briefing: What’s Next for Drug Costs?
Late last year, Politico Pro’s Health Care Team, along with CVS Health, held a conversation on the future of prescription drug…
Post-Election Decompression: Where Do We Go from Here?
After almost fifteen months of campaigning, polls, and 24/7 election coverage of “he-said-she-said,” we finally have our answer:…
CMS: Hospital and Critical Access Hospital (CAH) Changes to Promote…
CMS recently released a proposed rule updating the Conditions of Participation (CoP) for 6,228 hospitals and critical access…
2015 Front Line of Healthcare Report – CME and Conferences are a More…
Bain & Company, Inc. has published their Front Line of Healthcare Report 2015, a report that focuses on the shifting…
Senate Develops Policy Measures to Help Those Battling Chronic Illness
In 2014, the United States Senate Committee on Finance took a step toward improving care for the millions of Americans…
Recent Study on Population Health Sheds Light on Progress
A recent study provides one of the first, if not the first, in-depth, national look at the pace of transition from…
Bloomberg Health Law Reporter Outlook 2016 – Issues Driving the Healthcare…
Now that the year has gotten off to a quick start with all things healthcare-related, we would like to take a moment to…
Sen. Bernie Sanders Announces “Prescription Drug Affordability Act of…
Pushes for Lower Drug Prices Through Variety of Measures Including Drug Pricing Transparency; Allowing Part D Negotiations;…
OIG Issues 2015 Health Reform Oversight Plan
HHS-OIG recently released their 2015 Health Reform Oversight Plan. The agency plans to hone in on the Affordable Care Act during…