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Healthcare Reform
NLARx Dissolves–The National Legislative Association on Prescription…
The Board of Directors of the National Legislative Association on Prescription Drug Prices (NLARx) has voted to dissolve. The…
21st Century Cures Initiative Introduces Significant Legislative Proposal
In April 2014, Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) partnered with Rep. Diana DeGette (D-CO) to launch the…
Secretary Burwell Announces HHS Quality Payment Goals, Introduces Timeline…
Big changes are on the horizon in how Medicare reimburses healthcare providers. Yesterday, the Secretary of Health and…
Hospital Compare: Controversy Surrounds What to Report
Our continued coverage of the CMS Open Payments website includes transparency-related issues regarding the Physical…
“Doctoring in the Age of ObamaCare” Sheds Light on the Mounting…
A recent editorial published in the Wall Street Journal entitled "Doctoring in the Age of ObamaCare" provides a glimpse…
Healthcare Has to Innovate Without Forgetting Therapeutic Innovation
Healthcare leaders "don't have a choice" but to innovate, author, consultant and futurist Ian Morrison told the National…
Accountable Care Organizations: Patients Look Elsewhere for Specialty Care
A study recently published in JAMA Internal Medicine found the majority of beneficiaries assigned to an accountable care…
Improving Insurance Equals Better Quality Care
Health care disparities are commonly analyzed along lines of socioeconomic status, age, geography, and race; however, a new study,…
UK Hospitals Post Excessively High Death Rates
Over three years ago, when Congress was debating the Affordable Care Act, many hoped that the final legislation would…
Few Doctors Consider Themselves as Drivers of Healthcare Costs
A recent survey showed that only one in six U.S. doctors believe they bear some responsibility for holding down health care costs.…