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Judge Dismisses Case Against Former GSK Attorney, Citing “Serious…
On Tuesday, District Court Judge Roger Titus dismissed the government’s case against former GlaxoSmithkline Associate General…
OIG Seeks to Exclude Forest’s Chief Executive Officer from Working
By: Matthew Hay, Publisher - Rx Compliance Report
Forest Laboratories said last week that its Chief Executive, Howard Solomon,…
HHS-OIG: CMS-FDA Drug Registration and Listing Systems In Need of Update
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) is America’s largest healthcare payer, covering the costs for hospital and physician…
HHS OIG: Institutional Conflicts of Interests at NIH Grantees
The National Institutes of Health (NIH), a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), is the nation’s medical…
HHS Turning up the HEAT on Healthcare Fraud Charges
Since the health care reform debate began almost two years ago, the Obama Administration has identified fighting fraud committed…
HHS OIG Road Map: Progressive or Orwellian?
If the government were to hand out a brochure in your neighborhood, outlining beware the public will soon know what … you received…
Forest Laboratories Settlement and Corporate Integrity Agreement
The Department of Justice (DOJ) announced that drug maker Forest Laboratories, Inc. has pleading guilty to resolve criminal…
Allergan Botox Settlement and Corporate Integrity Agreement
This week, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) announced that it has reached a resolution regarding the previously…