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Pharmaceutical and Device
As Facebook Opens Comments Companies Pull Pages
As Facebook opened pharmaceutical industry pages to public commenting recently, some companies said they had not yet seen…
Pfizer UCSD Collaboration on Research – Through the Valley of Death
A recent article from the San Diego Union Tribune discussed a new drug research collaboration between pharmaceutical giant Pfizer…
Industry-Physician-Academic-Government Collaboration and the Global Fight…
Over thirty years ago, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported the outbreak of an unusual form of pneumonia…
The Unhealthy Separation of Marketing and Education Support from Research
It is often quoted by critics that "if only industry funded research alone and stopped spending on marketing or supporting…
Healthcare Leadership Council – National Dialogue for Healthcare…
Back in October 2010, The Healthcare Leadership Council (HLC), a coalition of chief executives representing all sectors of…
PhRMA Annual Meeting Warns Innovation Requires Regulatory Support
Pharmaceutical industry executives challanged the FDA recently at their annual meeting to improve its regulatory science, clarity…
Small Device Companies Taking Heat for Targeting Marketing But What About…
A recent article from the New York Times examined a brand of heart device that patients at a majohospital get. According to the…
Survey Shows Physicians Have High Regards for Industry Interactions
Over the past several years, a number of media sources and so-called “investigative journalists” have published stories suggesting…
FDA Guidance: Codevelopment of Two or More Unmarketed Investigational Drugs…
Combination therapy is an important treatment modality in many disease settings, including cancer, cardio-vascular disease, and…
Pharmaceutical Coupons A Health Choice
One of the biggest challenges facing health care reform is how to control health care costs while maintaining a high quality of…