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IFPMA Joint Industry Position on the Publication of Clinical Trial Results…
The International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations (IFPMA) is the global non-profit NGO…
America’s 60 Experts In Multiple Myeloma Support Continued Collaboration…
America’s top experts in multiple myeloma published a manifesto on value of their working relationship with industry in the Mayo…
AHA and ACCME Reach Agreement on Industry Scientists Presenting at…
The AHA and ACCME have reached an agreement on industry scientists presenting at their annual meeting. The ban on industry…
Cancers Two Steps Forward
During the health care debate, many believed that America was far behind other countries in the quality and effectiveness of our…
Current Regulatory Environment: Clinical Trials Difficult To Manage
The Association of Clinical Research Organizations (ACRO) provides an active voice for the global CRO industry by representing…
Medical Innovation: Gone Tomorrow?
The Council for American Medical Innovation (CAMI) held a panel discussion and released a study on “Why Medical Innovation…
The Importance of Clinical Trials
A recent supplement in the Wall Street Journal discussed the importance of clinical trials, and provided an introduction to the…
Scientific Misconduct: The Manipulation of Evidence for Political Advocacy…
A recent paper from the CATO Institute, titled “Scientific Misconduct The Manipulation of Evidence for Political Advocacy in…