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State Policy
Connecticut Pharmaceutical Reporting Deadline Approaches: New FAQ Document…
With less than two weeks before the Connecticut reporting deadline for pharmaceutical companies to report representative…
California Approves First-in-the Nation Cap on Health Industry Spending…
The California Office of Health Care Affordability recently approved the country’s first state cap on health industry spending…
Amgen Sues Colorado Prescription Drug Affordability Board
Amgen Inc. recently filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court District of Colorado against the State of Colorado’s…
Colorado Working to Be Second State to Import Drugs from Canada
Colorado’s General Assembly passed a law in 2019 that allowed the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF)…
New York City Health Care Transparency Law Now in Effect
Earlier this year, New York Local Law 844-A took effect, directing New York City Mayor Eric Adams to establish an Office of…
FDA Authorizes Florida Preliminary Clearance to Import Drugs from Canada
For the first time, the Food and Drug Administration has authorized a state to import prescription drugs from Canada, granting…
PBMs No Longer Able to Discriminate Against 340B Program Covered Entities…
California Governor Gavin Newsom recently signed Senate Bill 786 (SB 786) into law, which will prohibit pharmacy benefit managers…
Doctors Challenge California Implicit Bias in CME Legislation
Recently, two doctors filed a lawsuit in California, challenging the implementation of Assembly Bill 241, which requires all…
States Are Starting to Adopt Drug Price Boards
Prescription drug prices have been a hot topic for years, and while Congress has held hearings and passed legislation in an…
California Legislation Regarding Linguistic Diversity of CME Headed to…
California recently passed Assembly Bill 470 unanimously in the State Senate. Under this legislation, continuing medical education…