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State Policy
State Policy: Texas introduces Two Transparency Bills “Everybody Loves…
”Everybody loves Transparency - this was the theme of a recent Dallas Morning News article outlining two transparency bills SB…
Massachusetts Physician Registry: MWE Unraveling the Web of Confusion
When you read the proposed regulations from Massachusetts, you get a headache trying to figure out how they will deal with the…
Massachusetts Physician Disclosure: The Exemption for Research Makes Sense
Peter Pitts from the Center for Medicine in the Public Interest had this editorial in The Boston Globe over the weekend:
State Disclosure Bills: Minnesota — Disclosure Isn’t Enough
"Disclosure isn't enough,'' "But it's a good first step." stated Minnesota State Senator…
Massachusetts Pharma and Device Code of Conduct: Proposed Rules
For a link to the March 11, 2009 Final Code of Conduct: Massachusetts Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Manufacture Code…
Massachusetts Gift Ban: Kicking the Can
After months of discussions the Massachusetts Department of Public Health will propose to the Public Health Council regulations…
DC Safe RX = Unsafe RX
If you are planning your medical convention or meeting in the District of Columbia you may want to consider the following…
Massachusetts Incoming Faculty Orientation
Massachusetts School of Medicine
Medicine from the 1960’s Works
Dear Faculty Candidate:
We are excited that you are considering…
Massachusetts S2660 — Governor Remember Your Promise
The Boston Globe published are article on the angst that the life sciences industry of Massachusetts is having over the gift ban…
Massachusetts S2660 — Governor Signs Gift Ban
Over the weekend the Governor of Massachusetts signed into law the Gift Ban. (Boston Globe Article Governor Signs Gift…