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State Policy
Massachusetts S2660 — Industry Sends Open Letter to Governor
This week Boston Globe ran a full page ad in the Boston Globe asking Governor Patrick to make the easy decision and send the…
Massachusetts S2660 – Gift Ban is a Case Against Nightshift Work
Have you ever thought … how does my brain work at 4:00 am after working all day; can I concentrate; can I make accurate…
Massachusetts S2660: Confusing “compromise” on Massachusetts…
There was a confusing compromise leading to the passage of a modified gift ban by the Massachusetts…
Massachusetts S2660 — Time to Encourage the State Senate
Today the Boston Globe reported that House OKs healthcare bill without ban on gifts
The Massachusetts State House passed the…
Massachusetts S2660 — Gift Ban Goes Bye Bye
In a move that shows legislators in Massachusetts understand the need for manufactures and physicians to continue to work…
IMS vs. Vermont: Free Speech but only in the Interest of the Government
Free Speech but only in the interest of the Goverment.
This is exactly what the NLARX has stated in their press release about the…
Massachusetts S2660 – The Sun is Shining in San Diego
Recently, we reported that it would be cloudy for the Massachusetts delegation at BIO 2008. Massachusetts S2660 – San Diego…
Regulating CME: States Attorney’s Join in the Act
The States Attorney Generals have joined in the act of regulating CME.
On May 20th, Merck settled with States Attorney Generals…
Massachusetts S2660: Should Gifts Be Banned?
This week New England Cable Network aired an interesting debate: Should Gifts Be Banned? Thomas Stossel, MD,…
Massachusetts S2660 — Coming Soon
According to a Boston Globe editorial Massachusetts S2660 section 26 may be taken up sooner rather than later in the session : A…