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State Policy
Minnesota Doctors: No Ice Cream for You
This weekend at the ASCO (American Society of Clinical Oncology) meeting in Chicago at least two booths had signs telling doctors…
Massachusetts S2660 – San Diego Here We Come
Summer in San Diego is so pleasant, warm weather, clear sky - a perfect place for a conference. So what would make it…
Massachusetts S2660 — Unintended Consequences
This week Kevin Abt, founder of Restaurants, a corporate catering service in Stoughton, Mass. sent letters to…
New York Governor Jumps on the “Gifts to Physicians” Ferry
Governor Paterson of New York announced he is introducing a ban on gifts to physicians. Though the bill is not available…
GSK Exec Expresses Concern to Massachusetts Leadership
This week, Christopher A. Viehbacher, president U.S. Pharmaceuticals GlaxoSmithKline, sent a letter to the leadership in…
Impact of Massachusetts S2660 Section 26
In a departure from our typical postings we have been working to whittle down into one page sheets what Section 26 of S2660 will…
Massachusetts – Smelling Very Fishy
Senate Bill 2650 has been renamed SB2660.
After re-reading the bill and discussions with friends on the ground in Massachusetts…
Connecticut: Just Information for Now
Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, Brother of David Blumenthal and both
potential Clinton/Obama appointees,…
Massachusetts 2.0
The text of the amendments to Massachusetts Senate Bill 2526 (amendments) became available on Monday, and one of the amendments…
California Dreaming
Last week the California State Assembly delayed AB 2821 (actually it was defeated on April 1, then offered for reconsideration,…