CME Medical Device CEO Jeff Binder Stands Up for Corporate Support of… Thomas Sullivan Dec 6, 2010 0 Criticism surrounding commercially supported continuing medical education (CME) has remained constant over the past several years,…
CME Study Shows Online Continuing Medical Education Highly Effective in… Thomas Sullivan Aug 31, 2010 0 A recent study showed that continuing medical education (CME) delivered via the internet was highly effective in educating…
ACCME Decrease in Commercial Support of CME Correlates with Increase in… Thomas Sullivan Jul 29, 2010 0 While the percentage of commercial support for continuing medical education (CME) has continued to drastically drop over the past…
Academic Organizations Harvard Medical School Revised Conflict of Interest Policy 2010 Thomas Sullivan Jul 26, 2010 0 This week, Harvard Medical School (HMS) released its 2009-2010 report from the Faculty of Medicine Committee on Conflicts of…
CME CME Grant Disclosure and Transparency: Company Reports 2009 and 1st Qtr… Thomas Sullivan Jul 14, 2010 0 We have compiled a chart of companies that disclose their educational grant payments for 2009 and 2010. In 2009…
CME Boston Review: A Response to Marcia Angell’s “Big Pharma, Bad Medicine” Thomas Sullivan Jul 7, 2010 0 The Boston Review published a rebuttal Article from Frank Britt and Marissa Seligman on Marcia Angell-Relman’s article titled Big…
Uncategorized Slate: Appetite for Instruction -Why Big Pharma Should Buy Your Doctor… Thomas Sullivan Jul 1, 2010 0 The hip online magazine Slate published an article that teaching physicians about new therapies and feeding them is a good for…
AMA AMA CEJA 2010: House of Delegate Sends Back CEJA Report on CME for 4th… Thomas Sullivan Jun 15, 2010 0 For a fourth time in a row, the American Medical Association House of Delegates (AMA-HOD) has sent the Council on Judicial and…
CME Outcome Study of CME Participants Shows Significant Improvement in MDS… Thomas Sullivan Jun 10, 2010 1 A recent study of CME participants of Myelodysplatic Syndromes reviewing patient claims data claims data showed significant…
AMA AMA CEJA 2010: ACRE Recommends Rejecting CEJA Report Financial… Thomas Sullivan Jun 7, 2010 0 In response to the American Medical Association Council on Judicial and Ethical Affairs (CEJA) fourth attempt to hinder physician…