CME Grant Disclosure 2008

0 1,067

We have compiled a list of grant disclosure reports for 2008.

At the end of 2007 only Eli Lilly reported their CME grants and charitable donations.

 In 2008 seven pharmaceutical companies have published grants/contribution reports.   

Several additional companies have stated they will be publishing their grants in the coming year.




1st Quarter


2nd Quarter


3rd Quarter


4th Quarter



Astra Zeneca

1st ½ of 2008


2nd ½ of 2008

Glaxo Smith Kline

4th Quarter 08



Johnson and Johnson Companies



1st 2nd and 3rd Quarters

            Ortho McNeil

1st 2nd and 3rd Quarters

            Ortho Biotech

1st 2nd and 3rd Quarters


1st 2nd and 3rd Quarters

            McNeil Pediatrics

1st  and 2nd Quarters

            Ortho McNeil  Neurologics

1st 2nd and 3rd Quarters


1st 2nd and 3rd Quarters


1st 2nd and 3rd Quarters


1st 2nd and 3rd Quarters



Eil Lilly

1st Quarter


2nd Quarter


3rd Quarter


4th Quarter




3rd Quarter


4th Quarter (not yet published 2-23-09)




1st Quarter


2nd Quarter


3rd Quarter


4th Quarter


As more companies report their grants we will add them to this listings.

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