California Dreaming

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Last week the California State Assembly delayed AB 2821 (actually it was defeated on April 1, then offered for reconsideration, and the new hearing last week on April 15th was canceled by the bill sponsor. I hope you got all that)

AB 2821 Bans all gifts greater than an aggregate $250.00 to physicians and requires disclosure filing annually of all gifts over $50.00 and the first annual report will be due December 31st 2010.  CME is excluded as a gift, along with reasonable honorarium and faculty expenses.

It is interesting to note that in the sponsors presentation he has the miss-understanding that doctors still get gifts — like trips, gift certificates, and parties.  And that today physicians are paid to attend CME events. (see public hearing analysis)

AB_2821_Text of Bill

AB2821  Bill Status


CAL-PIRG (California Public Interest Research Group is the prime supporter of this bill in the California Legislature — PIRG was founded by Ralph Nader)  All this commotion is in response to companies now filing compliance documents with the State of Californa to meet the guidelines of SB1765 which is now law in the state of california).

CalPirg_AB2821_Letter to Chairman

CalPIRG Report on Gifts to Physicians  (includes a chart by company of limits for gifts in California)

California Progress Report PIRG

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