Prescription Project

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The prescription project which has been leading the charge against our industry has the following legislative agenda in this order:

A)   Transparency (PPSA) is a means to an ends (get the data and use it against the companies)

B)   Eliminate all “gifts to physicians” by drug and device manufacturers

C)   End commercial support of CME

D)   Replace pharmaceutical sales reps with academic detailers

It is interesting to note that in their blog postings they help connect the dots, that the editor of JAMA is an advisory board member, and that the lead Author of the JAMA paper is a member of one of their partner groups…. (see below)

Ghostwriters on the sly   (Prescription Project Blog)

In a companion editorial, JAMA editor-in-chief and RxP advisory board member Catherine D’Angelis M.D. decries the practice, writing, “it is clear that at least some of the authors played little direct roles in the study or review, yet still allowed themselves to be named as authors.”  The lead author of the paper, Dr. Joseph Ross of Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, is a member of the National Physicians Alliance, a partner of the Prescription Project.  Prescription Project (Friends are friends forever)

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