Massachusetts S2660 – San Diego Here We Come

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Summer in San Diego is so pleasant, warm weather, clear sky – a perfect place for a conference.  So what would make it cloudy for the Massachusetts delegation at the Bio 2008 International Convention meeting in mid June in San Diego? Perhaps it is the proposed  Section 26 of S2660 which according to the AP "Strictly interpreted, the `anything-of-value’ ban could bring clinical trials to a halt in Massachusetts, severely cut into necessary and mandated continuing educational studies undertaken by physicians and mean that fewer new medicines are readily available to patients in the state that is the global hub of medical innovation", the Massachusetts Biotechnology Council wrote in their May 1st letter to state legislators.  This is the same ban that Senate President Therese Murray has been pushing for and her version included two year prison sentences for Massachusetts physicians.

Actually, this is the same conference where last year Governor Patrick announced his one billion dollars over ten years, Life Sciences Initiative when the conference was in Boston.  According to his spokesman, Governor Patrick supports the overall bill but is undecided around the gift ban.

The Associated Press had a great article earlier this month around the issue so here goes:

Biotech sees Mass. lawmakers as friends, foes

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