AMA CEJA – Former JAMA editor suggest withdrawal

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George Lundberg, MD Editor of Medscape Journal of Medicine and former Editor and Chief of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) discusses the conflict of interest recommendations including the AMA CEJA

Report 1 of The Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs: Industry Support of Professional Education in Medicine in The Medscape Journal of Medicine, Responding to the American Siege Against Continuing Medical Education.

His insightful commentary includes the following statement about the CEJA recommendations:

It reads like something from 1-2 decades ago, before the numerous current CE safeguards were instituted.”

He goes one step further than others in recommending that “CEJA should withdraw this report before the meeting and bring stakeholders together to strive for a more informed revision for possible presentation at a later date”

Responding to the American Siege Against Continuing Medical Education

1 Comment
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