ACCME Responds to Senator Kohl

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In a detailed letter, Murray Kopelow, MD Chief Executive of the ACCME responded to the request for information from Senator Herbert Kohl, WI Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Aging.

In the letter the ACCME provides:

·         Background about ACCME

·         A copy and written description of the accreditation process for CME courses

·         The criteria that the ACCME uses as part of the accreditation process, regarding the scientific validity of course content

·         The mechanisms the ACCME has in place to ensure that no undue influence by industry is being exerted through courses.

·         Further plans the ACCME has in place to develop such mechanisms

The ACCME letter is a good reference for how the accreditation system works. The system of CME has changed tremendously over the last five years to ensure the elimination of commercial bias.  The document submitted is very thorough and should answer the questions that the Senator was looking for.

Letter from Senator Kohl

Response from ACCME

Reference Articles

ACCME Senator Kohl Get's in the Act

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