ACCME: More Diligent and Raising Fees

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Fees to the ACCME from accredited CME providers will be going up and today the ACCME released their chart of increases.  This includes a one-time fee of up to $7,000 depending on income for all CME providers.  Some fees have gone up as much as 100%. The new rate schedule includes a fee of $4,000 for the ACCME to review non-accredited organizations corporate structures to determine whether or not they meet the ACCME definition of commercial interest.

The ACCME outlines the need for increased fees:

In light of the expressed needs of the ACCME Continuing Medical Education accreditation system, the ACCME has adopted a new strategic course of action that will include:

1.    Increased surveillance and monitoring activities by ACCME to ensure valid content independent of commercial interests;

2.    A database on which to build an expanded monitoring and surveillance system;

3.    Expanded educational initiatives; and

4.     Enhancements to online services.

To expedite the delivery of these and other expanded services and resources for ACCME providers, learners, and other stakeholders, the ACCME has already acted to:

·         Enhance the visibility and credibility of accredited CME from the ACCME accreditation system for those stakeholders who expect CME to be valid and independent.  (let everyone know they are now monitoring activities)

·         Support the Recognized state system of accreditation in order to further promote a single national standard for all accredited providers; (develop a uniform accreditation system with ACPE and ANCC) and

·         Increase the ACCME’s operational resources in order to expand education, accreditation and recognition services offered to the system. (More courses and surveyors for the ACCME system).

An interesting note is that ACCME states that since 1998 the number of accredited providers has only risen 16% yet the number of activities offered, the amount of commercial support and the number of physician learners have increased by more than 250%.

See chart of increased fees to the ACCME and the percentage change from the current system.

One Time Fee Due October 1, 2009

Excess of $1.4 Million


From 240K – $1.4 Million


1/2 of 1% of Expenses

Less than 240K


Fee to Review Non Accredited organizations corporate structures to ensure

Meeting ACCME definition of commercial interest


2009  Fees



Percent Increase

Progress Report Fee




Extension Fee




Pre Application Fee




2010 Fees



Percent Increase

Annual Fee




Reaccreditation Fee




2011 Fees



Percent Increase

Annual Fee




Click here to link to the ACCME letter to CME providers

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