Grant Disclosure: Merck Releases 3rd Quarter Report, GSK announces reporting of physician payments.

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Earlier this week Merck released their 3rd Quarter 2008 report of grants; this is the first time Merck has disclosed their educational grants.

Merck is committed to disclosing grants to medical professional and patient societies and other organizations to respond to public interest and to broaden the visibility of Merck's support of key stakeholders to advance health, science, community welfare and the economy.

Merck 3rd Quarter 08 Report

Also, GSK announced that starting in 2009 they are going to disclose payments to physicians.

Earlier we had reported the following reports, the remainder of the third quarter reports should be coming out in the next few weeks.

Companies CME grants disclosures for the first half of 2008:

Eli Lilly 1st Quarter 2008 Report

Eli Lilly 2nd Quarter 08 Report

Pfizer 1st Quarter 2008 Report

Pfizer 2nd Quarter 08 Report

AstraZeneca  1st and 2nd Quarter 2008 Report

Amgen 1st Quarter 2008 Report

Amgen 2nd Quarter 2008 Report

As more companies post their disclosure reports, we will post links to the reports.

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