Presidential Debate 2: Candidates from Mars

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"What a funny title?!" you say, but from watching the presidential debate on Tuesday night between Barak Obama and John McCain, it was clear that neither of them understand that we're in an economic crisis and a meltdown of the financial markets.  Governments won’t have any money to spend on anything! 

Neither candidate seemed to grasp that.    The debate was akin to being in a time warp.  Both candidates were stuck in the same rhetoric they used over the summer.  Well things change!

It's also clear neither candidate has a clue about steps to get us out of this crisis.    I think what was missing was a leader.  A leader would have said "Wait a minute, we're in a worldwide financial crisis, we have to solve that before we take on all the other things happening around us, the other things can wait." 

Both candidates had the opportunity to rise above politics and show real leadership, something we've been missing for years.  Both missed that opportunity.

No matter what you think about Hillary Clinton, she is a leader and her presence from these debates is sorely missed.

Since both candidates promise change, perhaps they need to wake up and change their message.  The world has changed but they haven't.

On the healthcare issue the topic of Rights vs. Responsibility came up and I believe this is one of the key philosophical differences between the candidates.  

Is health care in America a privilege, a right, or a responsibility?”

McCain said:

I think it’s a responsibility, in this respect, in that we should have available and affordable health care to every American citizen, to every family member. … But government mandates I — I’m always a little nervous about. But it is certainly my responsibility.

Obama said:

I think it should be a right for every American. … for my mother to die of cancer at the age of 53 and have to spend the last months of her life in the hospital room arguing with insurance companies because they’re saying that this may be a pre-existing condition and they don’t have to pay her treatment, there’s something fundamentally wrong about that.


Let's hope they come back to earth before election day.

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