AMA CEJA: Taking a New Road on Commercial Support

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According to Medical Meetings the AMA CEJA committee looks like they have taken the proposed ban on commercial support off the table for the upcoming CEJA report.  CEJA reported this in a progress update to the AMA at the AMA fall meeting recently held in Orlando, Florida.

CEJA’s report, “Industry Support for Professional Education in Medicine,” is a work in progress and is scheduled for release at the 2009 annual meeting next June. However, CEJA council member John McMahon, MD, corporate medical director, Mountain Pacific Quality Health Foundation, Helena, Mont., said that the council made clear in its progress update at the Interim Meeting that it does not support eliminating commercial support.

As  previously reported CEJA is revising the report and will be working with the AMA Council on Medical Education which will provide for a much more balanced report.

This past summer AMA CEJA’s report Industry Support for Professional Education in Medicine, was soundly rejected by their constituencies including, medical schools, associations, hospitals, and state medical societies.  Even the Medical Student Section came out against the report.  The reference committee had sent it back for more work.

The AMA CEJA and CME committees will be soliciting commentary from stakeholders on the issue of commercial support in CME, according to the staff the comment period is now open, so this is an opportunity to participate in the process.

Medical Meetings: CEJA Takes New Stance on Commercial Support

Policy and Medicine:  AMA CEJA: Round 2

                                     AMA CEJA:  Back to the Drawing Board

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