Constructive Discussions: Med Ed Forum

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 Recently, I was reviewing upcoming CME conferences and the MedEd Forum, December 3-5th in Philadelphia, and this program looks like it may be perhaps one of the more interesting from a policy-regulatory perspective.    The program includes speakers from diverse organizations including the Coalition for Healthcare Communication and the Prescription Project.

The speakers and presentations represent a broad range of views on CME issues:

Stakeholder Perspectives on Bias in CME; Jann Balmer, RN, PhD, University of Virginia, Ronald Cervero, PhD, University of Georgia, Susan Chimonas, Prescription Project , Columbia and Mindy McKenna, PhD, MBA –  AAFP. 

Implications of Public Policy Reports on Conflicts of Interest, Alejandro Aparicio, MD ;  AMA. 

Impact of Legislation on CME;  John Kamp, JD, PhD, Coalition for Healthcare Communication.

ACCME Implementation – Challenges and Opportunities with Respect to Commercial Support Issues;  George Mejicano, MD

Update on Pharma Code; Ann Leopold Kaplan, JD PhRMA

Discussion on Enforcement Oversight on Transparency;  John Kamp, JD, PhD, Christopher Armstrong, JD Senate Finance Committee Minority Staff, Ann Leopold Kaplan, JD, Robert Restuccia, Executive Director Prescription Project and Michael Loucks, JDs First Assistant US Attorney.

With these very diverse views, this promises to have some very lively discussion that will serve to give us insight into the various views of our industry and society.

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