Massachusetts Pharma and Device Code of Conduct: Public Hearings and Comments

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One thing  learned over this past year following the Massachusetts legislature,  and governor’s office –  it is not over until it is over, and changes can happen good and bad.

I would encourage everyone to review the proposed policies and provide your comments, there are several opportunities:

Two public hearings will be held on the regulations. The hearings will take place:

January 9, 2009
9:00 AM
Henry I. Bowditch Public Health Council Room
250 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02108

January 12, 2009
1:00 PM
UMASS Medical School, Amphitheater I, 2nd Floor
55 Lake Avenue North, Worcester, MA 01655

Those wishing to comment on the proposed regulations do not need to be present at either hearing. The Department of Public Health encourages all interested parties to submit testimony electronically to the following address: Please submit electronic testimony as an attached Word document or as text within the body of an email and type “Pharma / Med Device Regulation” in the subject line. All submissions must include the sender’s full name and address. The Department will post all electronic testimony that complies with these instructions on its website. Testimony can also be mailed to LouAnn Stanton, Office of the General Counsel, Department of Public Health, 250 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02108.

Also today another document has become available

Massachusetts Department of Public Health: Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Code of Conduct Questions and Answers

If you are interested in our comments, please feel free to send me an email at

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